A number of projects aiming to develop and optimize novel materials,  electrochemical sensors, nondestructive methods and devices for diagnosis of reinforcement corrosion, 3D characterization of materials nano/microstructure are currently available in the laboratory. Postdoctoral researchers, research higher degree (PhD, MSc), honours and undergraduate students are welcome to join our group.

Masters, MSc

The student is required to have a good understanding of materials science, mathematical modelling and numerical methods.  He/She will need to demonstrate adaptability to the multidisciplinary nature of the projects. Students are encouraged to contact Prof. Robert Filipek to express his/her interest.


A list of MSc topics 2022/23 (in Polish)

  1. Badania trójwymiarowej mikrostruktury materiałów do konwersji / magazynowania energii metodą tomografii komputerowej
  2. Wpływ mikrostruktury materiałów cementowych na wnikanie depasywatorów
  3. Funkcjonalizacja materiałów na bazie Mg2Si metodą SHS
  4. Wykorzystanie środowiska obliczeniowego COMSOL do modelowania rozkładu stężeń składników
    elektrolitu oraz potencjału elektrycznego w ogniwie litowo-jonowym w trakcie
    procesu ładowania ogniwa
  5. Trójwymiarowe numeryczne modelowanie korozji stali w konstrukcjach żelbetowych


PhD opportunities with government and university-funded scholarships are available each year, both to domestic and international students. Students are encouraged to contact Prof. Robert Filipek to express his/her interest.

Key criteria

Domestic students –The students should have MSc and strong academic track record (including research and write-up) with first class honours. The student’s research and academic background might be in one or more of materials science, chemistry, nanotechnology, microfluidics, and related disciplines.

International students – For an international student, she/he is expected to have masters and honours degrees with very strong academic and research background in a relevant field.  She/he is also expected to have research articles in high impact journal of the field.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Postdoctoral opportunities are available each year, both to domestic and international students. Students are encouraged to contact Prof. Robert Filipek for further information.

Key criteria

Domestic students –The students should have PhD and strong academic track record (including research and write-up) with first class honours. The student’s research and academic background might be in materials science and modelling and related life science disciplines.

International students – She/he is expected to have PhD and honours degrees with very strong academic and research background in a relevant field.  She/he is also expected to have research articles in high impact journal of the field.


Prof. Robert Filipek, D.Sc., Ph.D.
Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, AGH University of Science and Technology, 30-059 Kraków, 30 Mickiewicza Av.

Contact Information

Call: +48 12 6173231

Fax: +48 12 6172493

Email: rof@agh.edu.pl